9 effective yoga practices to alleviate anxiety and boost mental health

There’s a significant difference between simply coping with anxiety and actually overcoming it.

The difference?

It’s all about approach.

Coping simply means managing symptoms, while overcoming involves addressing the root cause.

Yoga, a practice combining physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation, taps into both these aspects – managing symptoms and addressing root causes.

When practiced effectively, yoga can alleviate anxiety and significantly boost mental health.

And trust me, there are certain yoga practices that are particularly beneficial in this regard.

Here are some yoga practices you should incorporate into your routine to help overcome anxiety and enhance mental health.

1) Deep Breathing

Anxiety often triggers a “fight or flight” response, causing rapid heartbeat, quick breathing and a sense of panic.

And this is where the power of deep breathing comes into play.

Deep breathing is a fundamental element of yoga.

It’s the core of Pranayama – the practice of controlling the breath, which is the source of our prana, or vital life force.

Consider this.

When we’re anxious, our breath becomes shallow and rapid.

But by consciously slowing down and deepening our breath, we can signal to our body that it’s okay to relax.

Controlled breathing can help lower stress hormones, promote feelings of calm and relaxation, and even improve cognitive function.

Incorporating deep breathing exercises into your yoga routine could be a game-changer for managing anxiety.

2) Child’s Pose

Let me share a bit of my personal journey with you.

There was a time when I was grappling with high levels of stress and anxiety.

My mind was always racing, and I had trouble sleeping.

Then, I discovered the Child’s Pose or ‘Balasana’.

Child’s Pose is a restful, grounding pose that encourages relaxation.

It helps you focus inward and calms the mind.

I started incorporating this pose into my daily routine, and the impact was incredible.

Whenever I found myself spiraling into a cycle of anxious thoughts, I would drop into Child’s Pose.

The physical act of surrendering to the pose helped me let go of my mental worries.

Even on days when I didn’t have time for a full yoga session, spending just a few minutes in Child’s Pose made a noticeable difference to my mental state.

It’s definitely worth giving it a try if you’re dealing with anxiety or stress.

It might be as life-changing for you as it was for me.

3) Tree Pose

Have you ever noticed how trees are deeply rooted in the ground, yet their branches reach high into the sky?

The Tree Pose, or ‘Vrikshasana’, embodies this balance.

In this pose, you stand on one foot and rest the other foot against your ankle, calf, or thigh, mimicking the steadiness of a tree.

This requires focus and balance, diverting your mind from anxiety-inducing thoughts.

But here’s the intriguing part – the act of balancing on one foot stimulates the vestibular system, which is involved in controlling balance and eye movements.

This stimulation can help enhance focus and reduce feelings of anxiety.

So next time you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed, try the Tree Pose.

It can serve as a grounding force, helping you find your balance both physically and mentally.

4) Savasana

Also known as the corpse pose, Savasana might seem easy because it involves lying flat on your back with your eyes closed.

However, it can be quite challenging because the goal is to remain fully present and mindful.

It’s not about napping or daydreaming.

It’s about surrendering to the present moment, letting go of tension and stress, and bringing the focus to your breath.

In my experience, this pose is a powerful way to quiet the mental chatter that often fuels anxiety.

It provides a much-needed break for your mind, allowing it to reset and refresh.

So don’t skip Savasana at the end of your yoga session.

It’s more than just a cool-down period – it’s an essential part of your mental health toolkit.

5) Meditation

Meditation is a cornerstone of yoga practice.

It’s not just about quieting the mind, but about becoming aware of your thoughts and emotions without judgment.

Regular meditation can help train your mind to focus on the present, reducing the tendency to ruminate on past events or worry about the future – common triggers for anxiety.

Incorporating meditation into your yoga routine can be as simple as taking a few minutes at the beginning or end of your session to sit quietly, focusing on your breath or a calming mantra.

Give it a try.

You might find that it helps create a mental buffer against stress and anxiety, boosting your overall mental wellbeing.

6) Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog, or ‘Adho Mukha Svanasana’, is one of the most recognized yoga poses.

But beyond its popularity, it holds a special place in alleviating anxiety.

This pose places your heart higher than your head, creating an inversion that can promote feelings of calmness and relieve stress.

The stretch along the back and legs also helps release tension stored in the body, which is often linked with anxiety.

But it’s more than just the physical benefits.

For me, there’s something profoundly comforting about this pose.

It’s like a reassuring hug, a moment of solace amidst the chaos of life.

If you’re feeling anxious or stressed, try melting into Downward Facing Dog.

Let the earth support you, breathe deeply, and let go of your worries.

7) Warrior II

Warrior II, or ‘Virabhadrasana II’, is a pose that embodies strength and resilience.

As you stand with your feet wide apart and arms stretched out, you’re not just opening your body, but also creating space in your mind for positivity.

There was a time in my life when I felt overwhelmed by my circumstances.

I felt like I was constantly on the defensive, bracing myself for the next wave of anxiety.

But when I stepped onto my yoga mat and moved into Warrior II pose, something shifted.

There was a sense of empowerment, a feeling of being able to face whatever came my way.

It wasn’t about fighting or resisting, but about standing strong in my own power.

This pose served as a reminder that I am stronger than my anxiety.

And it can do the same for you.

It’s not just about physical strength, but mental resilience too.

8) Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose

The Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose, or ‘Viparita Karani’, is a restorative inversion that’s great for easing anxiety.

It involves lying on your back and resting your legs straight up against a wall.

This pose allows gravity to help reverse blood flow and increase circulation, which can have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Not only does it help reduce physical symptoms of stress like muscle tension, but it also provides a sense of tranquillity.

The act of simply lying back and elevating your legs can be quite soothing.

9) Consistency

The most transformative aspect of yoga isn’t found in mastering any particular pose.

It’s in showing up on your mat, day after day, even when you don’t feel like it.

Consistency is key.

It’s about gently encouraging yourself to stick with the practice, even on days when anxiety feels overwhelming.

Each time you step onto your mat, you’re taking a step towards better mental health.

This commitment to yourself can be a powerful antidote to anxiety.

Remember, yoga is not a quick fix, but a journey.

And every step on this journey can lead you towards greater peace and mental wellbeing.

It’s a journey

The beauty of yoga and its impact on mental health is deeply intertwined with the philosophy of mindfulness.

The practice of yoga is not just about mastering poses or perfecting breath control.

It’s about cultivating a deeper connection between your mind and body, fostering an inherent sense of peace and resilience.

Whether it’s finding solace in Child’s Pose, strength in Warrior II, or tranquility in Savasana, each element of yoga holds the potential to alleviate anxiety and boost mental health.

But remember, it’s a journey – not a destination.

The transformative power of yoga unfolds over time, with each breath and each pose serving as stepping stones on your path to greater mental wellness.

So step onto your mat, take a deep breath, and embark on this journey.

It’s not just about combating anxiety – it’s about embracing a lifestyle that fosters mental health and wellbeing.

Dania Aziz

Dania Aziz

"A spirited lifestyle and love advocate, who loves to explore the two to help herself and others discover what they are really searching for."

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